Accident & Emergency Procedure
Guidelines for dealing with an incident/accident:
- Stay calm but act swiftly and observe the situation
- Is there any danger of further injuries?
- Listen to what the injured person is saying
- If the injury is minor, there is first aid equipment in the clubhouse (on the cupboard just inside the door to the left)
- If the injury requires specialist treatment, call he emergency services (see numbers below)
- Deal with the rest of the group (i.e. juniors) and ensure that they are adequately supervised
- Do not move someone with major injuries - wait for the emergency services
- If you are first aid trained, you may put them in the recovery position if appropriate
- Contact the injured person's parent/carer or next of kin
- Complete an incident/accident report form
Please make sure you record the incident/accident on an incident/accident form, which can be found next to the first aid box. This should be completed in full and then passed on to a member of the committee to ensure it is officially recorded and any necessary action is taken.
First Aid Pack is easily accessed in the clubhouse (in cupboard just inside the door to the left) and contains the following items:
- Guidance leaflet
- 10 adhesive dressings (individually wrapped and of assorted sizes)
- 1 triangular bandage (individually wrapped and sterile)
- 2 medium sterile would dressings (individually wrapped and un-medicated)
- 1 large sterile wound dressing (individually wrappedd and un-medicated)
- 1 sterile eye pad
- Safety pins
- Disposable gloves
- Ice (or packet of peas) may be purchased from the Central Stores in the village square for treatment of a sprain
For advice about less severe injuries, call NHS Direct on 111
Police or Ambulance Emergency Rapid response needed: 999
e.g. person badly injured, person feels theatened, intruder about to do damage to property
Police non-Emergency Rapid response not needed: 101
e.g. report attempted break-in, report damage to property
Nearest A&E Department:
Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital, Exeter (22 miles - approx 50 minutes)
North Devon District Hospital, Barnstaple (24 miles - approx. 45 minutes)
Please note that these guidelines are also posted inside the clubhouse on the wall.