Dates for your diary:
The dates for the Open Tournaments, which are open to members and non-members alike, are listed below. Do make a note of them. The fee for non-members is £10 to include lunch and refreshments. The final date (Dodds Cup) is for members only. If you would like to play in any of these tournaments, please contact Sarah Vertigan for more information.
Saturday 12 April - Coffee Morning - 10-12noon Witheridge Parish Hall -
Sunday 18 May - Open Tournament - 9.30am-2pm
Saturday 14 June - Open Tournament - 9.30am-2pm
Saturday 12 July - Open Tournament - 9.30am-2pm
Saturday 16 August - Open Tournament - 9.30-2pm
Saturday 13 Sept - Dodds Cup (members only) 9.30am-2pm
Friday Evening Tennis
Due to the successful introduction of the Friday evening social tennis sessions throughout the summer of 2024, it has unanimously been agreed to continue them in 2025. The evenings are open to members and non-members alike, all abilities and all ages.
No need to book - no payment required - absolutely FREE!
Starting on Friday 16th May every Friday from 6pm onwards throughout the summer months (until the end of September)
Just turn up after 6pm on a Friday and see who else is there. A chance to play tennis and meet other players.
For more information please contact Paul on 07854 386201
Membership Renewals
The new tennis season starts on 1st April 2025 and all subscriptions will become due then.
We are delighted to announce that our new online booking system - ClubSpark - which was introduced in 2023 seems to be working well. There are still a few members who have not registered and I would urge everyone to do so for 2025 as it is the most effective way for the Committee to keep in touch and update the records.
Anyone who wishes to book the court, members and non-members alike, will first need to register with the LTA (free to register) before using ClubSpark. Non-members may book the court on a pay-and-play basis by registering and paying online. Members do not need to pay once they have paid their subscriptions. If anyone has any issues trying to book a court, they should contact Sarah Vertigan.
All subscriptions should be made by BACS, if possible, directly into the Club bank account and, once payment has been received, the individual member's details will be updated and thier membership will be activated.
If anyone has booked the court but no longer requires the booking, please make sure you access the online system to cancel/release the court so that others may book that slot. This applies to both members and non-members.
Social events
2024 proved to be a very successful year in bringing more members together - not only did we manage to hold four open tournaments and the Dodds Cup, which was won by Pat Dodds and Andrew Harker in a thrilling championship tiebreaker, and the newly introduced Friday evening social tennis sessions but we also ran a very successful Coffee Morning in the Parish Hall and two very well-attended supper events, one in the summer at the Ponte Vecchio in Tiverton and the other a pre-Christmas dinner at the Mitre in Witheridge. Since all these events proved to be so successful we hope to do the same in 2025.
Open Tournament on Saturday 25 May
The Club held a very successful tournament on Saturday in the sunshine with six couples competing against each other in a format where each couple played against all of the other couples in matches lasting 15 minutes each. The couple winning the most number of games over the whole event was declared the winner for the day. On Saturday the winning pair were Lise and Will Martin - congratulations to them both.
Coffee Morning
The Coffee Morning held on 11 May was a real success with Club members and local visitors enjoying meeting friends over a cup of coffee and a piece of cake as well as purchasing plants, raffle tickets, books, items from the pre-loved stall and from guest stallholders - Muffet Monroe, Helen Moore, Rull Flowers and Lesotho Rose. From the money raised, the Club is delighted to be able to send £150 to Devon Air Ambulance Trust. Thank you to everyone who contributed to supply cakes, raffle prizes and gave their time to help.